
Latest technology news October 5th, 2021

Latest technology news

8P-Design presents its selection of articles on the latest digital news:

Actualités technologiques du moment

Coming this fall: new features for Android!

Recently, Android has announced that they're incorporating a lot of new features into their phones. The Blog du Modérateur has compiled the new features and here is an overview:  Photos and videos protected by a password, management of your tasks by Assistant, a new way of communicating by Gboard, control of phones by facial expressions, the ability to control your TV with your phone, better management of smartphone control. For more information on these features, click on the full article!

Original title Nouveautés Android : photos protégées, rappels des tâches, meilleure accessibilité… - Le Blog du Modérateur
Informations: French, Android, September 24th, 2021

A new Facial recognition system for the Moscow metro

The use of facial recognition can be a controversial topic. However, Moscow decided to go ahead and use it in their metro to let passengers pay with their faces. Facial recognition is growing at a rapid pace in Russia, and authority believe that using it on the subway could reduce the time it takes to screen passengers by 3x. For the past few months, the project has been carrying out tests with employees and a few users. Facial recognition will make its official entry into the subway from October 15, for all passengers. For more information on the project, you can read the full article in La Presse.

Original title: Dans le métro de Moscou, bientôt le paiement par reconnaissance faciale - La Presse
Informations: French, Facial recognition, September 23th, 2021

The European Commission just announced a plan to force Apple to adopt USB-C for the iPhone

It's known that the use of lightning chargers by Apple is not unanimous among its users. Indeed, many complain that they can't use just any charger, as Android users can do. That's why the European Commission has just announced a plan to force Apple to adopt USB-C for their iPhones. Their reasoning is that it would allow better standardization of device connections. In addition, with their latest iPhone model, Apple has decided to stop supplying chargers. That decision was supposed to be good for the environment, however, if Apple was truly concerned with the environment, their devices would be USB-C. For more information on the situation and the reasoning of the European Commission, see The Next Web article. 

Original title: 6 reasons the EU should force the iPhone to use USB-C - The Next Web
Informations: English, Apple, September 24th, 2021

Downloading Youtube videos: Possible, but under one condition

Si vous utilisez fréquemment Youtube, vous savez que ça fait très longtemps que les utilisateurs demandent à Youtube de pouvoir télécharger les vidéos de la plateforme. Cette option permettrait aux utilisateurs de regarder des vidéos Youtube en n’étant pas connectée à internet. Youtube a finalement flanché, ils testent présentement la fonctionnalité. Cependant, ce n’est pas tout le monde qui pourra avoir accès à la nouveauté! Youtube réserve cette option à ces membres Premium. Cet abonnement est à 11,99$ par mois et donne également accès à un visionnement de vidéos sans publicités.

Original title: YouTube va vous laisser télécharger ses vidéos, mais à une condition - Presse Citron
Informations: French, Youtube, September 23th, 2021

Cryptocurrency: Transactions now illegal in China

If you're interested in the world of finance, you know that cryptocurrency is the hot topic right now! Since the beginning of the movement, China has been very vocal about its disagreement over the use of cryptocurrency, mainly bitcoin. In the last few days, they made a very important announcement: The Chinese central bank has declared all cryptocurrency transactions illegal. This had a lot of repercussions on the market. When asked to justify the decision, China ruled that cryptocurrency is too often associated with illegal activities like gambling, pyramid schemes and money laundering. For more information on the implications of this decision, see the full CNET article.

Original title: China's central bank declares all cryptocurrency transactions illegal

Informations: English, Cryptocurrency, September 23th, 2021

Actualités technologiques du moment

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