
How to set up an effective advertising campaign on Facebook

How to set up an effective advertising campaign on Facebook

A Facebook campaign is an advertising format that generally takes the form of a commercial link. This advertising scheme is proposed by Facebook to allow the advertiser to interact with its audience. Either with the intention to lead to a purchase or to spark an interest. It's particularly beneficial in terms of practicality or budget. This is one of the reasons why it's used by many B2B or B2C business.

The benefits that come with a Facebook campaign are enormous. With Facebook Ads you can:

  • Create targeted ads using the powerful targeting criteria provided by the platform.
  • Increase the reach of your advertising messages at a reduced cost.
  • Increase your visibility regardless of the type of business. 
  • Accurately measure the ROI (return of investment) of your campaign against defined objectives, while observing the performance of these objectives in real time.
  • Maximize your campaign ROI.

Here are some key points to keep in mind when setting up your advertising campaign.


1.  Choose the type of advertising that suits you

On Facebook, you have several choices when creating your ad campaign. The choice of the campaign to use depends on your marketing objectives.
Here's the most common Facebook ad formats and their specialties:

Image :

Images are the ideal advertising format to get direct responses from your targets. In general, image ads allow you to express your creativity. In addition, it's an ad that easily infiltrates the feed of your targets without impacting the user experience.

Video :

The video format automatically plays the ad video in your users' news feed. The biggest advantage of the "video" format over an image is that it can be used for almost any advertising goal, even "brand awareness" or "video views" goals.

For the most part, you will have types of video formats:

  • Educational
  • Promotional, brand image
  • Product demonstration to show the use and functionality of a product
  • Focused on product benefits to show the user what the product/service will do for them
  • Customer testimonials to reassure and build trust to sell your product/service
  • Reassurances to lower objections to purchase.

Carousel :

Also called multi-product ads, carousel ads are used to showcase creativity. 

The interactive carousel format can allow you to display up to 10 images or videos, each with a title, a description, a link and a call to action button.

Offer :

Offer-based advertising allows businesses to advertise valuable discounts on Facebook. The advantage is that it removes a step in the customer journey, thus increasing the sales goal.

The benefits of this type of advertising are numerous. They start by directing users directly to the offer. They benefit directly on Facebook, eliminating any obvious additional action to visit your website. You can also reach the type of audience you want. 

It's possible to include all the information users need to decide whether or not to use your offer. This eliminates any ineligible clicks that will cost you money.

Events :

Event advertising is the promotion of a specific event. Event ads allow you to easily recruit participants. 

So if you're a brand that regularly hosts conferences, conventions or concerts, using this Facebook ad format can be very relevant.

2. Choose a clear and straightforward call to action

In general, a good call to action must incite the user to perform an action. This is the best way to convert a prospect into a customer. That's why it's important to clearly tell your audience what you want them to do. For example, call to action words like "subscribe", "visit our website", "buy a product" or "give us feedback". 

Note that a call to action can be placed anywhere in your ad. The key is that it acts as a call to action.


3. Define your target audience

A target audience is the group of people you want to reach with your message or ad. These people are likely to take action after seeing the message.

People who are part of a target audience share certain characteristics such as demographics, behavior or interest.

Choosing who your ad is aimed at will allow Facebook to better direct your ad to the ideal audience. Determining your audience is about targeting your own audience, it's like retargeting an ad. The idea is to show targeted messages to those who have had one or more interactions with your brand.

4. Find a catchy title

The title is the presentation of your advertisement. If your headline is poorly written, no one will read it.

A catchy headline grabs people's attention and makes them want to read your entire content. A headline becomes irresistible when it is specific, beneficial and powerful.  It hooks readers on the first read.

5. Set your budget

If you're new to this, plan on a small budget for your first campaign. Starting with a low daily budget allows you to see which ads are relevant. Then you can adjust your budget if the need arises.

However, don't set your budget too small either because it's important to be able to accumulate enough data to learn from your campaign.


Please note,

Advertising on Facebook can increase awareness and sales. Knowing the different formats offered by the platform will give you a complete picture of your creative potential and meet your advertising goals. 

However, using Facebook ads requires knowledge of web marketing and web analytics. Otherwise, the means of this acquisition could quickly turn into a waste of money and an unprofitable investment.

If you are having trouble managing a Facebook ad campaign, 8P Design offers a Facebook ad management service, no matter what format you want.